Saturday, April 25, 2009

TTFN off to a fiber fest.

I am so excited I had to post it here....I am going to TROY OHIO today for my FIRST fiber Fest. I am going with a few GAL friends that knit and I am takeing my TWO AT A TIME toe up socks with me so maybe all the gals can sit and knit and relax a little plus my one friend is dieing to try the two at a time so can't wait to see her :)... Any who I will make sure to post pictures on MY BLOG so will let you all know when I have them up ...I am sooooooooooooooo excited :) a MOMMY day away something I have not had well EVER in the past 3 years so I am sooo ready~!


  1. lucky lucky you VAnessa. Can' wait to hear all about it

  2. sounds like fun and so well deserved. Have a fabulous time!
